Bed and breakfast
Chambres d'hôtes du Moulin
- French, English
- 5 chambre(s), 10 personnes(s)
- American Express, Credit card, Cheques and postal orders, Cash, Eurocard - Mastercard, Bank transfers, Visa
- Animaux bienvenus
- Local shops
- "Gîte Plus": Sheets, linens and towels for the household included
- Cleaning / housework
- Wireless service
- game hunting
- Golf
- lake
- Bicycle hire
- Fishing
- Footpath
- the vineyards
Tarifs & Horaires
Ouverture :
Du 01/01/2024 au 01/07/2025 de 16:00 à 19:30 - de 07:30 à 11:00
Bed and breakfast every day in summer
Bed and breakfast on weekdays from September to June
Tarifs :- Two people (Chambres d'hôtes) (Small animal package €20) : 87€ - 97€